Spider Season: Managing Our Eight-Legged Visitors Over the Next Month

Thursday 03-09-2020 - 15:16
Spider season 2020

While September marks the beginning of a new year in the education sector, there are also things happening in the wider world to mark the turning of a new season.

Not only will we see the leaves start to turn brown in preparation for the Autumn months, we’ll also see more spiders than usual in our homes; with September marking the beginning of spider season. Spider season typically begins in the first or second week of September and lasts until early October. During this time, be prepared to see more spiders than you would be used to in your home.


Spider vacuums at the ready!


Male spiders will find warmth inside your home away from the colder weather outside while they try to find a mate. Most of the spiders you do see in your home during this period will be males, while their female counterparts will often stay hidden under windowsills or other places we don’t necessarily see in the home.


The Giant House Spider is the one many of us fear seeing the most in our homes. The fast, brown and scary-looking arachnid is otherwise known as Eratigena atrica. These speed demons can reach up to 12cm in size and they’re one of the largest spiders in the UK behind the Cardinal Spider that can reach 17cm in size. They can run up to half a metre per second, so you’ll need to be quick if you do try to catch one!


If you’re an arachnophobe like me, you’ll be tempted to look at ways in which you can tackle this nightmarish increase of eight-legged intruders over the next few weeks.


Here are some tips on how to manage the increase of spiders in your home during spider season:


  • Keep your home clean and tidy. Spiders like to hide in dark and tight spaces where they are less exposed. If they don’t have these, then they’re less likely to stick around. Remove dust and any cobwebs from floor to ceiling.
  • Spider repellent plug-ins are widely available online and are relatively inexpensive. They work by emitting a high-pitched noise that is undetectable to humans. If you have pets, be mindful of finding one that is harmless to them, too.
  • Essential oils! Spiders hate certain scents such as tea tree, lemon, lavender and peppermint. A few drops of this mixed in with some water and sprayed generously in cracks, windows and other corners of your home will be effective in repelling spiders.
  • When removing a spider, if you don't own a safe spider vacuum, place a large cup over it (being sure not to trap its legs) and place a piece of card or hard paper underneath to transport it safely outside.


Other common spiders found within and surrounding the home during this period are:


The Daddy Long Legs Spider/Pholcidae


These are skinny spiders with very thin legs and small bodies. They will often stay in the same place for long periods of time but will vibrate on their web to scare away attackers.


False Widow Spider/Steatoda nobilis


These spiders are not as dangerous as they might sound, but they can bite if they feel threatened, and a GP visit is recommended if symptoms from the bite last more than a few hours. They are more commonly found in the south of the UK, but have moved further up north due to milder winters in recent years.


Lace Web Spider/Amaurobius similis


Usually up to 15mm in size, these spiders commonly live in holes in the wall and bark. You will be likely to see more of them in rainy periods as they seek shelter from the moisture.


Zebra Spider/Salticus scenicus


Smaller in size but very fast. Most prominent during April and October.


Cardinal Spider/Tegenaria parietina


These can grow up to 17cm in size! They have reddish-brown bodies and live mostly within the walls of buildings. They’re unlikely to bite humans but will bite if they feel threatened.


Money Spider/Linyphiidae


The smallest species of spider in the UK. Most often found outside on plants or in grass. Only half a centimetre in length, these are a lot less intimidating than their larger cousins!


Orb Web Spider/Araneidae


Prominent around spider season but also in the summer months from July onwards. They are around 8mm long and found more often outside than inside.


While these are also worth looking out for, the most common increase in presence that you’ll notice will be the Giant House Spider. Remembering that these spiders are crucial to our ecosystem could help ease any feelings of resentment towards them while they go about their business. While it may be hard to believe, they are definitely more scared of us than we are of them, and have no interest in harming you. While preventative measures will help to keep them at bay as spider season plays out, just letting it run its course naturally won’t cause any harm, and before you know it, the invasion will be over for another year!


Written by Lauren Hole, Digital Marketing Assistant


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