Sustainability 2017-2022


Your Students' Union Sustainability Officer 2021-2022

Your elected Sustainability Officer is Sammy Spillane. To find out more about Dan's role and how you can get involved with Sustainability projects on campus visit HERE:

Welcome Week

Over welcome week the WGSU organizsed an event in the communal garden, which included a visit from Kieran Thomas from Xplore, the science discovery centre. For the time of year the was plenty of wildlife in the garden and in the pond area. Kieran, highlighted the wide variety of Insects around the garden including how well used an loved the bug hotel is. It was great to see over 80 students attend.


Not only was there time to explore the garden & wildlife, Karen McGowan offered an introductory mindful yoga session, using the communal gardens in this way was a great experience and we hope Karen will do some more sessions in the future.

Hedghog Friendly Litter Pick 

Last Thursday was the the first of our Hedgehog Friendly Campus litter picks with volunteers collecting 6 bags of rubbish and an advertisement board from the front area of Thank you to everyone who go involved. The next pick will be on Wednesday 10th November at 1pm meeting outside Wrexham Village student accommodation. #hedgehogfriendly #greenglyndwr

University Offers a FREE Extra 10 credit module in 'Introduction to Climate Change' for current students.

Are you concerned about the future of our planet? Ever wondered why more flooding and wildfires are reported on the news? This short course aims to provide a basic overview of the problems surrounding climate change, the causes and impact on the planet on which we live. Click here to find out more and to book your space on the module.


You can read the Green Impact Report 2021-2022 here.


Excellent Winner in 2018/19 and Highest Scoring Nation!!! 


Your Students' Union Sustainability Officer 2020-2021

Your Sustainability Officer is Dan Holmes. To find out more about Dan's role and how you can get involved with Sustainability projects on campus visit HERE:

Communal Garden Project 

Over the last year, the SU have lobbied the University to have co responsibility of the communal garden (formerly known as the Science Garden). On Thursday 3rd June 2021, the project finally started to revamp the garden with investment from the Students' Union to create a relaxing space for students whilst also being a location for natural wildlife. Take a look at the images below of how the day went and the video of President - elect Chloe Williams talking about the project. 


#SpringCleanCymru 2021 

Between 29th May and 14th June it's Spring Clean Cymru. Yesterday we got a head start with our spring cleaning and a group of staff and students litter picked across our Plas Coch Campus. We managed to collect 7 bags of rubbish, a disgarded camping chair and a mop bucket. If you'd like to get involved email energy& to find out how we can help or join an organised litter pick on the Keep Wales Tidy Website. #greenglyndwr #keepwalestidy #springcleancymru


Henry - The UKs only Hedghog Detection Dog visits Wrexham Glyndwr 

Great coverage in of our event last week. Watch this space for future events 👀🦔

Check out the coverage we had int he local press HERE or visit GreenGlyndwr Facebook to see Henry in action.

Annual Student Union Awards 2021

It was the annual SU Awards on Thursday 13th May 2020 and we are delighted to announce the following:

Best Charity Fundraiser - GREEN GLYNDWR SOCIETY 

Sustainability Champion (Student) - Daniel Holmes, Renewable and Sustainable Engineering student 

Sustainability Champion (Staff) - Jenny Thomas - Estates 

Go Green Week 2021 

Dont forget to head over to our facebook page Green Glyndwr for more information and daily updates: 

Huge win for students with the University's Catering Outlet

Your President met with the Manager of Aramark and they have committed to run the Eco -Friendly Box led by the SU, Will use the produce we grow in our communal garden and will liaise with their bosses to see if we can follow the Better by half roadmap! 

Click here to watch the video

Student Council Passes SIX Motions on Sustainability which will now become SU Policy! 

Your Vice President and Sustainability officer has been working hard to pass the following SIX motions at Student Council which was successful. You can see the list of policies HERE but here is a little bit about each Policy that was passed. 

Plastic Free SU Policy 

To support the idea of the union removing single use plastic such as plastic bags, plastic cups and plastic straws, thumbs up the idea here:

UPDATE – this motion was discussed at student council and successfully passed! Say goodbye to plastic bags, plastic straws, plastic cups and plastic spikeys from your union! And renewed in 2021 for another 3 years!

UPDATE – Our president has met with the head of catering outlets, head of estates and the director of operations to discuss the motion form and ensure it will be taken seriously. Minutes of the meeting have not been released yet but in a statement from our SU President we can confirm the following outcomes: 

  • Aramark will remove plastic cups through recylcing and will introduce reusable mugs and cups in all outlets and will encourage Starbucks and Costa to provide branded mugs.
  • Aramark will remove plastic cups from all conferences booked through them and will now use glass instead.
  • The Grumpy Mules Cafe have developed a 100% biodegradable and recycable take away coffee cup that will be available. Aramark will now lobby the Strabucks and Costa cafe to do the same.
  • Aramark will introduce 100% eco friendly bio degradable coffee mug that contains no plastic to sell to students and staff for £1 and offer a 10p discount every time the mug is used.
  • Aramark will always encourage students and staff to use reuasble bottles where possible and will look into an alternative 'ONE WATER' plastic bottles such as selling reusable bottles

This is a massive achievement for the SU! 

We advise all students and staff to use reusable bags, bottles, straws and spikeys which you can use around campus and in the bar.

Support the Global Climate Strike Policy 

Over the last couple of years the Global Climate Strike movement led by students and young people has gained significant momentum, driving awareness and urgency around the Climate Emergency and ecological crisis.Student Council have passed policy to support the Global Climate Strike! If you would like to get involved please email . Or you can simply visit the Student Climate Network here:

Freebies and Giveaways Policy 

Passed by Student Council and ratified by the Board of trustees, this policy means that we will only be giving away sustainable freebies and giveaways. 

Intervention on the Communal Garden Policy 

This was a big project for the Vice President and Sustainability Officer to gain joint ownership of the Communal Garden to provide you with the opportunity to relax, plant and pick your own fruit and veg and of course to preserve wildlife. You can see the detailed plan HERE

Better Meat, Better Dairy Policy 

This policy was passed to lobby the canteen to reduced their meat and dairy consumption. On the same breathe we will be lobbying them to use our communal garden project. An update will be provided soon on this!

Sustainability in the SU Strategic Plan Policy 

With Campus 2025 heavily focused on Sustainability it makes sense for the SU's new strategy (currently being created) to coincide with this. This was approved by Student Council and ratified by the Board of Trustees.

Director of Operations speaks to Council about Campus 2025!

Senior staff member for the University, Lynda Powell who is the Director of Operations spoke to Council about the Campus 2025 strategy and how Council can get more involved in the planning. Your Sustainability Officer Dan Holmes challenged her asking her the following 3 questions and we weren't dissapointed with the answers! 

1, We know that Campus 2025 is heavily focused on Sustainability. Can you tell me how by the end of Campus 2025 what impact will be seen. So what improvements are going to be made to make the cmapus more sustainable?

2. Are there any plans for solar panels to be used across campus for Campus 2025 and if not, is that something that can be considered?

3. What are the University doing to reduce fossil fuels as our building is maintained by the University

Click here to watch the video


Waste! - New recycling bins around campus 

Jenny Thomas from the University said "The University received £22,000 funding from Welsh Government Circular Economy fund to purchase colour coded recycling bins to improve waste segregation and increase recycling on campus from 20% to at least 50%. The project aims to have recycling bins available in every office and to remove desk bins. The project will also introduce other recycling streams (e.g. food, metal, wood) and look at working with SU to identify other ways to reduce waste."

Communal Garden Clean Up 


It's Happened - WGU purchases lots of Electric Vehicles and Installs Electric Charging Points!!

After years of lobbying by the SU, its finally happened! The University, having recieved funding off HEFCW have chosen to purchase electric vehichles and install electric charging points on campus.  You will see lots and lots of these vehicles driving around campus and is welcome news to the SU!!!! 

Responsible Drinking! 

As we are opening the bar back up again, we are so excited to welcome you back but as you will have seen in the bar from previous years, the Students' Union takes responsible drinking serious. So much so, that our bar manager, Kieran Irwin has signed up to the SOS UK Drug and Alcohol impact programme - 

Earth Hour

In March we take part in Earth Hour.

Each year, Earth Hour, organised by WWF, takes place from 8.30pm until 9.30pm (local time). Every year millions of people, businesses and landmarks set aside an hour to host events, the Universities residents switch off their lights, go outside and make noise for the Earth hour movement. Send your pictures in by April 1st to to be in for a chance to win a £25 Amazon voucher! 

Student Leaders Conference , February 2021 - Education for Sustainable Development

In case you missed the session, you can watch the video here 

WGSU Negative Impact on the Environment Report 

We have identified the negative environmental impacts that we have as a Students’ Union, to help us develop and improve these in the future. Some are beyond ourcontrol (for example, the building we are in), however, there are some that we can make a difference in. Below are what we identified in 2018/19 and the progress we have made to date! 

WGSU Negative Impact Report and Progress 2020 1

Below is a report on what we have identifed in 2020 moving forward! This is a working document and input from students are very much welcomed. Please email 

WGSU Negative impact report and plan 2021 onwards


WGSU Awards 2021 

Don't forget to nominate your Sustainability Champion - Student and Staff in this year's Student Union Awards and don't forget to nominate the Green Glyndwr Society!! All the details can be found here and nomination close on the 8th April 2021: 

WGSU Sustainability Fayre 

Come along to the Sustainability Fayre organised by Green Glyndwr Society with outside organisations such as Incredible Edible Community Group - Don't miss out!!! - UNFORTUNATLEY THIS HAS HAD TO BE POSTPONED DUE TO COVID-19 BUT WE HOPE TO PUT IT BACK ON IN THE SUMMER :) 


Waste not Wednesday

We are currently promoting the Refill app which aims to reduce waste by making refilling your water bottle easy and convenient. WGU have logged our free water refill stations and we are encouraging our students and staff to take advantage.

We have been joined by Groundwork North Wales, Hafren Dyfrdwy, Veolia, Glyndwr’s Green Champions, Glyndwr’s E-learning and Glyndwr’s Energy and Sustainability Co-ordinator.

Groundwork shared top tips on how to save water, energy and money in the homes and at work.  

Veolia highlighted problems in sending waste to landfill, and highlighted the progress that WGU is making with this. In 2017 the University diverted 53% of its waste from landfill. In 2018, 89% of our waste was diverted and by 2020 we aim to have 100% of our waste diverted. (Ref. Veolia).

Visitors to the stand are shown what materials can be recycled and staff and students were encouraged to recycle as much as possible in the University and at home.

Annual Student Sustainability Survey Results 2020/2021

WGSU would like to thank all the students who took part in our sustainability survey which opened back in February 2018. The results have been analyzed and WGSU representatives will feed this into the University's Sustainability Forum as well as the Union's monitoring and evaluation processes. Please Click Here to view an analysis of the results and an action plan with outcomes.

Hedghog Friendly Campus Accreditation 

The SU have been working closely with the University to successfully gain a Bronze accreditation! take a read of the blog here:

Here are some of the Society members and staff members doing a litter pick up for the accreditation! Well done guys!

Wildflower Planting 

Your Sustainability Officer Dan Holmes has been on campus in a socially distance planting excersise to boost Wildflowers on campus. It's even made the local news - 

WGSU SMART Action Plan 

Each year the SU do an action plan based on what we want to achieve. The following action plan is from 2018/19 but has lots of positve updates and progress: 

WGSU SMART Action Plan 2018/19 with updates 

We also have a plan moving forward from 2021 onwards. Take a look and get in touch if you think we should be working on other things too! 

WGSU SMART Action plan 2021

Period Dignity Campaign 

Some of you may remember that we won the Participation Award at NUS UK Awards 2018 for our huge Period Poverty campaign. Well contnuing on from this, you will have seen these posters on social media and around campus. The SU have now invested £1,000 in purchase menstrual cups with also investment from the University to help us with this project. 



Incredible Edible Community Group help out on campus! 

A huge thank you to the incredible edible community group from Wrexham coming to tend to our garden and greenery across the University during the pandemic!






NUS Skills Survey 2020-2021

All students at Wrexham Glyndwr University could be in for the chance of winning £500 by completing the online, confidential NUS-SOS Skills Survey. The survey asks about your time at university or college and the skills you are developing for getting a job in the future. Your responses feed into national research and help us adjust our content to what you think is missing.

The short survey, which is being run in conjunction with SOS-UK, takes about 15 minutes to complete. The closing date is 15 November 2020 and students will be entered into a draw to win £500 or one of ten runner-up prizes of £50. Click here to take part in the survey 


Living Lab Project Fund - Get funded for your sustainability project/research

A research concept. Using the university as a Living Lab means using your own academic and student research facilities to solve social responsibility and sustainability issues relating to Wrexham Glyndwr University’s infrastructure and practices. WGU's Sustainability Action Working Group are looking for a student living lab project to fund. Apply here for a maximum £300.


SU Front Garden 

You may remember that the University donated £500 to us to make the front of the SU building more green and welcoming. We didn't want to leave it during the pandemic so local community group Incredible Edibles and our very own CEO have been tending to it for us. We can't wait to welcome you back! 


Social Media 

The Students' Union and the University work in partnership on sustainability as it is a high priority for both. Therefore, take a look at our joint Facebook page - GreenGlyndwr

Green Glyndwr Society 

To sign up or find out more information, head over to our SOCIETIES page 

WGSU Sustainability Group Minutes 

Meeting October 2020 Minutes 

Meeting December 2020 Minutes 

Meeting February 2021 Minutes 

Meeting April 2021 Minutes 


NUS UK Awards 2018

 As well as being awarded an Excellent accreditation, WGSU also won the highest scoring nation award at the NUS UK Awards 2018. Click the link below to read more:

WGSU Highest scoring nation in Green Impact Excellent award 


 -  Below:
“Reduce single-use plastics”
With the drive to cut down on single-use plastic and use more environmentally friendly products gaining a huge amount of momentum, Student Union and Northop campus started phasing out single-use plastics in May 2018 and from 1
stAugust 2018, the main campus will follow in their footsteps. Students and Staff are encouraged to supply their own drinking vessel for water from August 2018 onwards.
Aramark uses disposable packaging from a company called Vegware. The salad boxes are made from recycled sugar cane containing 99% less carbon than polystyrene. 
“Improve the university recycling”
The university has reviewed is recycling practices and are introducing a programme of new recycling points with new bins and graphics to control the waste streams and reduce contamination. Keep an eye out for the new recycling points being introduced this year.
“Encourage more involvement from the higher level staff in promoting sustainable events and campaigns”
For part of Go Green week, 2018 VC Maria Hinfelaar lead a lunchtime bike ride around campus which was reported on in The Leader. Director of Operations Lynda Powell also helped promote and attended Crispin Lane Clean-Up in March 2018. WGU are aiming to keep the involvement from WGU’s top this academic year.
“Create new green spaces and improve existing ones. Make them outdoor social learning spaces or places where staff can relax and unwind at lunch, etc.”
Techniquest Glyndŵr was successful in obtaining around £34K of funding to transform a derelict and unused area of ground to the rear of the LEIS building used by the popular Science Centre on the Plas Coch Campus of the University. The space will complement the indoor space of Techniquest Glyndŵr that houses over 75 hands-on interactive science exhibits. Once complete the Science Garden will offer a mixture of planted areas and features such as wheelchair friendly surfacing, raised beds and pond area, a composting area and a number of working exhibits of equipment that will illustrate the primary scientific themes of Biodiversity, Renewable Energy and Recycling.
Creation of Green Spaces
“Embed sustainability as part of all curriculum activity”
Our Foundation Year students, in all subjects across the University now, are required to complete a module on Contemporary Issues in which they study and discuss topics such as climate change and genetic modification.
“We want a space to grow our own fruit and veg”
We have built a collaborative with Flintshare the community led growing group and WGU societies Environmental Society and ZooSoc at Northop Campus. Staff and students can get involved and learn about planting different seeds, weeding, transplanting and pest control. You can develop a practical understanding of horticultural techniques by understanding how to make compost, dig beds, as well as gain knowledge about different plants, insects and the eco system. There is a Wrexham – Northop mini bus provided for students during term time which you can book onto at
Growing Vegetables
“Re-commit to Fairtrade and encourage our new catering provider to use locally sourced ingredients where possible.”
The University was officially awarded Fairtrade University Status on Monday 29th January 2018. The Fairtrade Foundation commented on our application,
“Well done, you have provided us with an incredibly detailed set of policies that extensively illustrate your commitment to Fairtrade and the steps put in place to ensure that a high standard of ethical practice is maintained. We are impressed by your motivation and it is great to see the possible collaboration with Wrexham’s Fairtrade group”.
We aim to promote Fairtrade at every opportunity and follow the principals of the Fairtrade Foundation. We will continue to run a range of events and activities with Fairtrade being the main focus. 
“Reduce car parking and actively encourage/incentivise and support the use of local public transport and cycle/walk to week schemes.”
This year Wrexham Glyndŵr University held campaigns to promote an active lifestyle including National Walking Month in May and Bike week in June 2018. We plan
Find information on how to get to campus using public transport on our Sustainable Travel page. WGU offers a cycle hire service for use by staff and students to travel between campuses and around Wrexham.
There are currently 18 cycles available for hire and can be hired for up to 7 days at a time. Click here to find out more.

Huge success this year as 94 students completed the NUS Sustainability Skills Survey in October. Our results show that the respondents were mostly first year undergraduates (41%). The results also show that 58% of students had covered ethical issues linked to their subject and that our students thought it was very important to look at global problems from the perspective of people from around the world. Proud to say we have students who have concerns towards global problems. Next year we'll aim to get even more respondents! 

Your Sustainability Officer

This year's Sustainability officer is 3rd year Psychology student Maryam Riscalla. You can contact her on 

Take a read of her blogs and see what's been going on and how you can get involved:

Catch Up

NUS Sustainability Summit 2017

Greetings from your Sustainability Officer


WGSU recieve a 'Good' rating from the NUS Green Impact initiative!!

Each year WGSU enters the NUS Green Impact Award in order to demonstrate its commitment to sustainability. This year we were delighted to receive a 'Good' rating. Take a look at the report and see where we make a positive impact. If you have any suggestions on ways we can improve or would like to get involved in anyway, please get in touch! 

WGSU Green Impact Report 2017-2018

WGU Sustainability Society team up with the community to promote World Peace Day and Food Share

WGSU supported the Sustainability Society in a succsesful bid of £2,000 from the Big Lottery Fund to put on a Big Lunch event in Wrexham town to promote World Peace Day, Food Share and Sustainability. Hundreds from the local community came together for an action packed day at Queens Square, Wrexham. 

World Peace Day 2017 Big Lunch at Wrexham’s Library green space was a huge success this year!

The large number of attendees had the opportunity to try some vegan food, try out some belly dancing, do some yoga, get involved with the amazing work C.L.P.W is doing to promote equality, diversity and inclusion most importantly meet others they wouldn’t normally meet.

This wonderful event wouldn’t have took place without the support from Wrexham Glyndwr Students' Union and the National Lottery Fund.

Hopefully from this year on, this important event will be held annually to celebrate peace in the town center.  

Maryam said "The event was a great success in providing the right environment for students and people to meet and celebrate peace together."


Wrexham Glyndwr University invests £500 in a brand new SU garden!

Wreham Glyndwr University have donated £500 to the Student's Union to build a garden at the fron of the SU building. The garden will grow fresh herbs in order for students to help themselves. The area will compromise of benches, herb patch and flower beds. Maryam, Sustainability officer and third year student said "I am delighted that the University have invested in such an important project. Sustainibility is a high priority for the SU and this garden is the begining of what we hope to be an extended project that will see the side of the SU growing vegetables to provid for the University catering department". The garden is due to be finished by mid October - Watch this space!

Plastic Campaign

Our Sustainability Officer, Maryam Riscalla was very inspired after the NUS Sustainability Summit 2017 that as soon as she came back to the SU she discussed the chance of the union removing single use plastic.

To support the idea of the union removing single use plastic such as plastic bags, plastic cups and plastic straws, thumbs up the idea here:

UPDATE – this motion was discussed at student council and successfully passed! Say goodbye to plastic bags, plastic straws, plastic cups and plastic spikeys from your union!

UPDATE: The fun isn’t over yet! The campaign is still going strong as our Welsh Officer is now on board with tackling plastic pollution at WGSU. Emyr Owen’ motion to remove single use plastic from the university has passed student council and now our president will begin lobbying the university to ditch the plastic and encourage reusables.

UPDATE – Our president has met with the head of catering outlets, head of estates and the director of operations to discuss the motion form and ensure it will be taken seriously. Minutes of the meeting have not been released yet but in a statement from our SU President we can confirm the following outcomes: 

  • Aramark will remove plastic cups through recylcing and will introduce reusable mugs and cups in all outlets and will encourage Starbucks and Costa to provide branded mugs.
  • Aramark will remove plastic cups from all conferences booked through them and will now use glass instead.
  • The Grumpy Mules Cafe have developed a 100% biodegradable and recycable take away coffee cup that will be available. Aramark will now lobby the Strabucks and Costa cafe to do the same.
  • Aramark will introduce 100% eco friendly bio degradable coffee mug that contains no plastic to sell to students and staff for £1 and offer a 10p discount every time the mug is used.
  • Aramark will always encourage students and staff to use reuasble bottles where possible and will look into an alternative 'ONE WATER' plastic bottles such as selling reusable bottles

This is a massive achievement for the SU and a huge thanks goes to Maryam Riscalla, the Sustainaility and Fairtrade Society and Travis Davies! 

We advise all students and staff to use reusable bags, bottles, straws and spikeys which you can use around campus and in the bar.

Our new Plastic Policy for the SU can be found here


UN 17 Sustainable Development Goals

WGSU support the 17 development goals and are supporting the University to ensure that these goals are met within the curriculum. Does the course you are studying cover these? If not raise this with your programme leader or contact the Students' Union Sustainability Officer to support you with this. 



Congratulations to Pip Francis for winning the Sustainability Champion of the year: Staff and to Maryam Riscalla for the student award. Both have worked extremely hard this year on gaining Fair Trade Status for the Univeristy, increased People and Planet accreditatiopn and NUS' Green impact accreditation. 


WGU Sustainability Society partnership with Incredible Edible Wrecsam

We are extremely proud of the partnership between WGU Sustainability Society and local group Incredible Edible Wrecsam. To become involved with the group:
You can join in on regular community workdays - these are: First Sunday of the Month at 2pm: Mount Street.
Second Monday of the Month at 6pm: Madeira Hill.
You can also contact the group on Facebook to arrange volunteering worktimes outside of these times at these sites or at the other sites (or at sites you have discovered to work with - they can provide some assistance with this too).

Below are some pictures of our Sustainability Society and Incredible Edible planting around the town centre. You can also watch the group, and previous members of the society explain more by clicking here. The video also shows Incredible Edible planting at Wrexham Glyndwr University.

Facebook: Click Here.




WGSU Sustainability Action Plan 

In conjunction with the Sustainability and Fair Trade Society and the WGSU Sustainability Action Working Group we have set out targets that we would like to achieve in the year ahead. Take a look and let us know if you think we should be working on other areas of sustainability. As part of the Union’s ongoing commitment to the environment, this plan has been created to outline various targets that should be achieved within set timeframes. Click Here to view the action plan. 

The action plan has been updated to reflect various achievements to date. These include the University recieving Fair Trade status, working more within the community and the completion of a University wide paper policy.

FREE Fruit and Vegetables on Campus

Our Sustainability Society have been busy planting fruit trees and vegetable patches on campus. Students are welcome to help themselves for FREE! The Students' Union would like to thank the society for their hard work and upkeep of the patches.







Wrexham Glyndwr Students’ Union Fairtrade Statement

WGSU are giving full support to the university in its efforts in striving to become a more Sustainable, Fairtrade University. We aim to promote Fairtrade at every opportunity and follow the principals of the Fairtrade Foundation.


WGSU are committed to offering Fairtrade products wherever possible. The University offers Fairtrade products in all catering outlets, and Fairtrade and local produce are important to Aramarc who are soon to become the university’s new caterers.
Fancy getting involved?
You can help promote and raise awareness of Fairtrade at WGU, here are some ideas:

  *   Look out for the Fairtrade symbol on the products you buy
  *   Try to purchase Fairtrade products wherever you can
  *   If you can’t see them, ask for them
  *   Boycott exploitative products
  *   Tell companies why you’ve stopped buying their products and why
  *   Talk about Fairtrade
  *   Volunteer at the next Fairtrade Fortnight event
  *   Get involved with the Fairtrade Steering Group who meet annually to discuss and stimulate action for Fairtrade across the University – Contact:<>

Wrexham Glyndwr University soared almost 50 places up the rankings of a prestigious green league table.

Check it out here

WGSU Sustainability Survey 2018!

WGSU would like to thank all the students who took part in our sustainability survey which opened back in February 2018. The results have been analyzed and WGSU representatives will feed this into the University's Sustainability Forum as well as the Union's monitoring and evaluation processes. Please Click Here to view an analysis of the results.

WGSU Sustainability Survey 2017!

WGSU would like to thank all the students who took part in our sustainability survey which opened back in February 2017. The results have been analyzed and WGSU representatives will feed this into the University's Sustainability Forum as well as the Union's monitoring and evaluation processes. Please Click Here to view an analysis of the results.

Our Negative Environmental Impact

Nobody is perfect, not even us and so we have identified the negative environmental impacts that we have as a Students’ Union, to help us develop and improve these in the future. Some are beyond our control (for example, the building we are in), however, there are some that we can make a difference in.

You can read this report, here

Green News! 


Science Garden Takes Shape at Techniquest Glyndwr

WGSU’s Societies Create Wild flower garden at WGU Northop

Earth Hour at WGU Northop 2017

Our Green Week, organised by the Sustainability Society and the Sustainability Network Glyndwr (along with collaborations from many of our other societies and teams) was a great success! The events were well attended by staff and students alike and hundreds of timers and shower water reducers were given out to encourage everyone to make a small change in their own daily lives. The week aimed to make sustainability fun and accessible for all and had workshops around eco art, grafting your own apple trees and bee conservation. There were skill shares and food-based events and we are looking forward to having an even bigger Green Week next year - watch this space! 

If you want to tell us about what you're doing for the planet, please use the #greenglyndwr. 

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Registered Charity: 1168132