Advocacy Module




Free extra 20 credit module in Advocacy!

This award-winning professional course has been designed to provide the skills and knowledge to practice independent advocacy. The skills and knowledge acquired through this course will be transferable, enabling learners from a range of disciplines to employ the principles and practices of independent advocacy in a variety of settings.

You will learn more about the purpose and principles of independent advocacy, the advocacy relationship, how to develop and maintain the advocacy relationship and how to represent the voice of others.  

This course will run on a first-come-first-served basis and is highly popular.

Planned dates for the advocacy module

6/13/20/27 June and 4/11 July 

For further information, please email: or Contact  Advocacy Short Course

Please note: All sessions must be attended to receive the full 20 credits.



Company number: 10111959
Registered Charity: 1168132