Day 1 Student Leaders Conference 2023: Your Community

  • Studentleadersconf2023

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Day 1 Student Leaders Conference 2023: Your Community

The Student Leaders Conference (SLC) is our training and personal development event for leaders across the Students’ Union – it is open to student leaders across societies, Sabbatical Officers, Course Reps, Faculty Reps & volunteers.


It's an amazing opportunity for you to learn new skills and to develop yourself for your role and beyond. This year will be a blend of virtual and in person sessions meaning that you get the freedom to choose how you engage! The conference will span across 3 days. Here's Day 1:




Online/In person

9-9:45am Room B18

Climate Change Without the Hot Air

David Sprake

In person

10-10:45am - Room B18

Build a Successful Society

Ariana Bradshaw, Tegan Brierley-Sollis

In person

11-11:45am - Room B18

How to become President

Students’ Union President - Lauren Hole

In person

12-12:45pm - Room B18

TrACE team

Tegan Brierley-Sollis

In person

1-1:45pm - Room CIB18

Coleg Cenedlaethol Cymraeg – Cangen Glyndwr


In person

2-2:45pm - Room CIB18

A penny for your thoughts! Quality, Validations, and Faculty Reps

Grace He

In person



Click 'book now' and choose which sessions to attend. Register your attendance now!


Venue : Various (Check schedule)

Type: Democracy or Student Voice, Workshop or Training

Start Date: Tuesday 07-02-2023 - 09:00

End date: Tuesday 07-02-2023 - 14:45


Contact Details

Katie Taffinder

Company number: 10111959
Registered Charity: 1168132