Pool League

  • Poolleaguesociety


Croeso ir cymdeithas cynghrair pool.

Rydym yn bennaf yn cynnig lle i fyfyrwyr gael hwyl a chymdeithasu â myfyrwyr o wahanol gyrsiau. Mae Pool yn gamp i bob myfyriwr ac yn caniatáu i bobl o gefndiroedd amrywiol ddod at ei gilydd a dangos eu sgiliau. Does dim ots beth yw lefel eich profiad, rydym yn croesawu unrhyw un a phawb i ddod lawr a chael gêm gyda ni a chwrdd â’r tîm.


Welcome to the Pool League Society.

We offer a place for students to have fun and socialise with students from various courses. Pool is a sport for every student and allows people from various backgrounds to come together and show their skills. It does not matter what your level of experience is, we welcome everyone and anyone to come down and have a game with us and meet the team.

Company number: 10111959
Registered Charity: 1168132